As the proud son of a Ukrainian immigrant, I know firsthand the unwavering courage and unyielding resolve, as well as the ardent compassion and fierce kindness, of the Ukrainian people. Their intrepid resistance and heroic perseverance have inspired and united the world. RevContent stands in resolute solidarity with the people of Ukraine. We join allies throughout the world in condemning the unjust invasion and violent, inhumane attack of this sovereign nation.
As global citizens we have a moral obligation and social responsibility to join in collective action for what is right and effect positive change. Along with making direct contributions, we are dedicating a portion of our adfill to drive donations to nonprofits serving those affected by this humanitarian crisis. We call on the community at large to join efforts in supporting the people of Ukraine.
No matter who we are, where we come from, what we look like, who we love, or what we believe, we are all a part of the human family and deserving of equality, empathy, freedom, and peace. May we be united by our humanity and driven to action by collective compassion.
— Richard Marques, CEO
For more ways to support the people of Ukraine:
- World Central Kitchen →
- ICRC →
- International Rescue Committee →
- Global Giving →
- Red Cross →
- Doctors Without Borders →
- UN Refugee Agency →