Today, RevContent announces its exclusive partner, Listverse. Listverse is the original Top 10 site, specializing in engaging and unique content. Listverse partnered exclusively with RevContent for their industry-leading technology that delivers unparalleled engagement and revenue, backed by RevContent’s dedication to data integrity.
Listverse serves over 30 million pages a month with content that specializes in the bizarre or lesser-known trivia. With content optimized for social sharing, Listverse is in a perfect position to make use of RevContent’s social behavioral learning algorithm. RevContent’s technology gathers thousands of data points from Listverse’s users, and RevContent is able to make intelligent recommendations based on what Listverse’s users are enjoying the most.
Data integrity was also an important factor in RevContent and Listverse’s partnership, and as with all RevContent’s partners, Listverse is able to match RevContent’s Performance Dashboard to their own Google Analytics. A partnership based on this trust and honesty is integral to both Listverse and RevContent’s respective brands.
Read more on Yahoo Finance.
Powering 250 billion content recommendations per month, RevContent is the fastest growing content recommendation network and reaches 97% of US households, according to Quantcast. To learn more about RevContent’s Partnerships, sign up or visit our website.